What Are You Waiting For? Something to Begin or Something to End?

What are you waiting for? Something to begin or something to end?

If I’m being honest, I don’t like to wait. I prefer things done fast. What  about you? What makes waiting difficult?

Sometimes waiting is inconvenient because it tests our patience.

It’s difficult to be patient when we’re waiting for things like:
• The right relationship.
• A new job to begin or retirement to come.
• Test results.
• Babies to be born and prodigal children to return.
• Hardship to end.

What Does it Mean to Wait?

“To wait” as used in the original Hebrew, means to HOPE, LOOK EAGERLY FOR, EXPECT.


I like that “hope” part.

Throughout the Bible we’re told to wait in hopeful expectation for God to act on our behalf.

For instance, Psalm 27:14 tells us, “Wait for the Lord; be strong and let your heart take courage; yes, wait for the Lord.”

What Are Ways We Can Wait in Peace?

Waiting doesn’t have to destroy us. We can:
• Cry out to God. Choose to believe He will hear and answer. Then trust Him.
• Anticipate and expect that God will bring a good result.
• Read the Bible. Meditate on God’s promises.
• Hold tight to the hope that God’s timing is perfect. God is not in a hurry to produce a perfect result.
• Praise God for His work in the past. Tell others about the good things He has done.
• Be peaceful; do not fret. Lamentations 3:25 tells us, “The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, to the person who  seeks Him.”

Do you believe God is good?

Maybe that’s a loaded question with no pat answer.

I mean …. I think He’s good … until I don’t.

Something that really impacted me was a statement that author and Bible teacher Charles Stanley once said: “You can trust that if He asks you to wait, He has something more wonderful in mind than you could ever provide for yourself.”

Now, that is good.

In conclusion, let’s be encouraged with words from Isaiah 40:31: Those who wait for the Lord will gain new strength; they will mount up with wings like eagles, they will run and not get tired, they will walk and not become weary.



    The Conversation

  1. Diane Price says:

    Oh, your words of wisdom always make me cru! I camt begin to tell you what I am dealing with right now, but My God is Faithful! Thank You for Always saying what others like me need, just when we need them! May God Bless You ! I love you! Diane Price Email is pdiane 401 @ gmail.com

    • Debbie Presnell says:

      Hello my sweet friend! Yes, God is faithful and He hears your prayers. I’m praying for you right now. God directs my heart to say what He knows you need to hear. He loves you so much. We’re pressing on together!

  2. Johnnie Rasch says:

    I love this! I’m saving it to share with my ladies Bible study group.

    • Debbie Presnell says:

      Thank you Johnnie! I’d like to meet your Bible study group one day. Love you so!

  3. Cherrilynn Bisbano says:

    Precious thoughts and encouragement. Thank you

    • Debbie Presnell says:

      Sweet sister, thank you for reading and your comment. God bless you!

  4. Michelle Boles says:

    Waiting is hard for me because I like things done and my patience isn’t very long these days.

    Thanks for the encouragement and for the wisdom you share with us.

    • Debbie Presnell says:

      My dear Michelle, I am so sorry I missed this comment! You have been through so much and I think you do exhibit patience. You are a blessing! Thanks for reading my blog and your comment. I miss you!

  5. Lolita Armstrong says:

    This is so amazing waiting is hard but with God words in our mouths peace comes so easily in life rather easy or hard !
    I have found out when I do things in a hurry and not wait and pray about it to God everything goes wrong!! But oh when I wait upon the lord it is right everytime for me ..

    Thank you so much for being a advocate and shining for God I see him in you I always have !

    • Debbie Presnell says:

      Lolita, I am so sorry that I missed this comment months ago. Thank you for reading my blog and your comment. I too struggle sometimes with waiting but you are right in that when we choose to wait on God, it’s better!

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