I'm so excited to announce that my NEW Bible study "Believing God's Perspective, Design, and Purpose for Women" will be available March 24, 2024 on Amazon Check out Debbie’s Amazon Page

Shining Through James: Living the Journey That Doesn’t Make Sense

You’re invited to embark on a five-week journey through the book of James—a small, but powerful book that presents wisdom and instruction for victorious living.

Full Description

You’re invited to embark on a five-week journey through the book of James a small, but powerful book that presents wisdom and instruction for victorious living.

James wrote to encourage and instruct Christ-followers in how to live by biblical principles. But sometimes biblical principles don’t make sense and achieving victory appears unobtainable. After all, how is it possible to have joy while suffering?

Some of the topics James addressed with the first century Christians are:

  • True religion
  • Faith
  • Testing and trials
  • Wisdom
  • Hurtful words
  • Judging others
  • Everyday conflict

Do these problems sound familiar? Spiritual growth requires training and perseverance. Get ready to go deep into your personal life. Be prepared to be challenged spiritually and emotionally.

We’ll discover that we can love this journey that doesn’t always make sense to onlookers but is explainable because of God’s presence in our lives.

Grab a friend or two. Our journey through life is better when shared with a community of close friends who provide accountability, insight, and encouragement.

Seeing ourselves from God’s perspective makes His grace, mercy, and forgiveness so much more fantastic. So, let’s get started. The journey, complete with its joys and struggles, will be worth it.

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