When We’re Having A Bad Day …

 His bad day included:

•            experiencing the repercussions of poor choices.

•            being bombarded with unforeseen problems at the break of dawn.

•            disappointment . . . again and again.

•            everyone else’s work was better.

 •           being slighted by a best friend and then abandoned.

•            an unexpected medical condition.

•            being picked on by peers.

•            no one would listen.

 Alexander and us. We all know how to define a horrible day, or a bad season in life. Unlike Alexander, though, we have a tried and proven antidote to ease his suffering: We put on the attitude of praise.

British Prime Minister Winston Churchill once said, “Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.”

From a downcast perspective, we see only our problems, and they appear to be huge. Feeling overwhelmed with despair keeps us from living a victorious life. In the children’s story, Alexander was made to put on pajamas he didn’t like. Isaiah 61:3 tells us to “put on praise instead of a spirit of fainting so we have the proper attitude.” Psalm 100:4 tells us to “enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise.”

 We may feel like fainting from the weariness this life brings, but an attitude of praise transports us into the presence of God where our strength is renewed. 

Adapted and copyrighted from, “Shining Through the Psalms,” by Deborah Presnell, 2018, available on Amazon.

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