How Do You Approach God?

Do we approach our heavenly Father with the same confidence?

When I was younger, approaching God was foreign to me. In my mind, more important people, mostly preachers and missionaries, were first in line to approach God. I was at the back, double-checking my list to be sure the content was worthy to be discussed with God. I had a false perception of God.

When we read the Psalms, we discover that David’s persistent questioning gives us insight into his relationship with God. He believed that he could approach God. Like a small child, he was unafraid, confident, fully trusting. And that level of trust enabled him to be transparent and open. He comfortably questioned — and ranted —like a child before his daddy.

Hebrews 4:16 tells us, “Let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” With boldness we approach God’s throne and accept that He will reach down and pull us close. He is Holy God and Sovereign — creator of the Universe. But because we’re His adopted children, He is Father — creator of our lives and instiller of our personal passions.

In this place, God lavishes His love on us, and provides the help we desperately need. God accepts everyone who approaches Him. Then we unpack our heavy suitcase and give to Him everything we have stashed or hidden inside — all our fears, disappointment and the crippling anxieties that weigh us down. We share our untold secrets of shame and regret and our most private thoughts. We give Him our confusion, our mix-ups, and uncertainties. We surrender our pride and sinful habits. There, at the glorious throne of Almighty God, we lay them down. Do you have a David-like confidence to approach God with everything?

Adapted from, “Shining Through the Psalms,” by Deborah Presnell, 2018. Available on Amazon.

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